Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's what you DO that defines you.

When I first watched this video clip, I vehemently disagreed with it. It IS what you are underneath that defines you, right? After all, we've heard that for years ... it's not your outward appearance, it's what's in the heart. Then I began to line it up to God's Word.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, "not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but those that DO the will of my Father."

In verse 24, He says "whoever hears my sayings and DOES them" ... and He proceeds to share the parable of the house built upon the rock vs. the house built on the sand. Hmmm, it appears what we DO really DOES define us!

Now in Matthew 25, Jesus spends the entire chapter talking about the importance of DOING what He's called us to do. If we've been given a "talent" and do nothing with it, judgement comes on us. In verses 31-46, He defines what those things we are to DO are: "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, give drink to the thirsty, go to the captives". No mention of doctrine, denominations, church names, etc.. And look at the severity of the punishment for those who do not DO these things: everlasting punishment!

James wrote "be DOERS of the Word and not hearers only". He said "he who knows to DO good and does not do it, it is sin to him". In verse 27, he says "pure, undefiled religion before God is this: to visit orphans and widows and to live undefiled from the world".

So, after further review, I now submit that "it's not what you are underneath, but what you DO that defines you". Let's get busy DOING for the Kingdom's sake!