Friday, December 19, 2008

Resilience in the Face of Life's Hurricanes

When Janet Perez was twelve years old, she and her family left La Paz, Bolivia, to come to the United States. She now lives in Florida with her husband Gene Eckles. Two sons live nearby, and one son "lives in the glory of heaven," as she phrases it. In her thirties Janet lost her vision due to retinitis pigmentosa. "I've found that life is not about what you cannot do because of circumstances out of your control," she says. "Success comes when you recognize what you can do with what God has given you. The deepest desire of my heart is to serve Christ and to be an inspiration to others. I apply this principle as I begin each day. Some might think that because I'm blind, I wake up each morning and sink my feet into a cold bucket of self-pity. It's quite the opposite. Being aware of all the blessings around me warms my heart with gratitude."
Janet shares with us her perspective on facing "hurricanes that shake the foundations of our world."

Gems of Wisdom from the Hurricanes of Life
by Janet Perez Eckles

Life's events can take us through rough waters, sudden storms, or periods of calm seas. I've experienced them all. And when rating the intensity of storms, my blindness wasn't the worst. But really, do emotional storms have ratings? They all hurt, they all jolt us, and they all cause us to rethink our lives. In my case, these storms propelled me to a higher place. Actually, it's a good place--where the view is clear enough to see God, the Captain in control.

When hurricanes shook the foundation of my world, I threw my arms around the pillar of God's Word. And while fierce winds blasted my face and thunder roared above, nothing could pry me away from holding on to His promises. Then when dark clouds parted and winds died down, I dusted off emotional debris. To my delight, gems of wisdom shone through--gems that had fallen in the midst of the pouring rain. Here are some I collected in the pocket of my heart:

Trust in feelings and emotions, and your path will not be sound; trust in God and God alone, and you'll walk on solid ground.

We know defeat when our feet refuse to step out of the puddle of discouragement.

Pain is like a bucket of water. The longer we hold onto it, the heavier it gets.

More effective than sleeping pills is slipping gratitude into our thoughts.

Forgiveness opens the door to freedom.

Turmoil can boil only when fueled by worry.

Focus not on the real estate you hold but on the One who holds the real state of your destiny.

The green of envy highlights our worst features.

Life tastes better when seasoned with kind words.

Constant work may bring results; but work blended with commitment to God's Word results in sweet peace.

Patience is the muscle that strengthens the soul.

We know compassion only when love is our passion.

Anger visits places where fear dwells.

We miss the beauty ahead when gazing into the rearview mirror of life.

Broken plans are often God's divine detours.

Resentment clogs the pipeline of peace.

A positive attitude is the passport to places where others don't get to travel.

No matter what conditions, circumstances, or cares blow your way; no matter how vehemently you may deny it, God, the Captain of your destiny, has each moment planned, each day designed, and each moment orchestrated by His skillful hand.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, help me trust in You at all times, even during life's storms. And when I'm discouraged, remind me of the many blessings You have already given me. Amen.

© 2008 by Janet Perez Eckles, “Faith and Love with Latin Flair.” Reprinted with permission.

Below is a quick review of the above author's book.

Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow
By Janet Perez Eckles

Without being "preachy," Jan Eckles shares how faith and focus can overcome tremendous sorrow and adversity. She has obviously learned to turn handicap to advantage and has a bright way of expressing herself through quiet humor. She shared her journey from the culturally shocked naiveté of a young immigrant girl, through the torment of total blindness, to devastating loss, to ultimate triumph. It isn't a long read, but one that is worth revisiting whenever a heart-lift is in order.

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