Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can our actions be weighed?

Man has never made a machine that can weigh actions. He has molecular scales and claims to know the weight of the earth's smallest substance, the atom, but he cannot weigh actions, attitudes, or motives. God has a way of telling their values: He weighs the force and energy behind your intentions.

He not only weighs the facts, but the reasons!

He weighs family disputes and provocations:

He weighed Peninnah's attitude toward Hannah and Hannah's response to Peninnah. He saw Peninnah's daily provoking in order to irritate Hannah. He weighed the misery of Hannah's soul that drove her to the altar and calculated the bitterness of her weeping. This was comforting to Hannah. Out of it came a song of triumph, but it must have been a dread to Peninnah (I Samuel 2:1-10).

He weighs the discussions of husbands and wives:

He weighed the decision of Ananias and Sapphira and they died because they lied to the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:9).

God weighed Belshazzar and found him wanting (Daniel 5:26-30).

Just as a lamp shows what is in the darkness, so God reveals what is in a person's spirit and searches out their innermost being (Proverbs 20:27).

Jesus told the Scribes and Pharisees that they had done well in paying tithes, but they failed in the weightier matters such as judgement, mercy and faith (Matthew 23:23).

Jesus said if you give a cup of cold water, it will not be forgotten (Matthew 10:42). So He takes into account the smallest good deed that is done by His people.

God, it seems, not only is capable of weighing our actions, but He, in fact, does!

(many thanks to Kelsey Griffin, my professor at Bible College, for the content of this blog)

1 comment:

Misty said...

This is not actually a real post. I'm just testing the post feature on the blog.