Sunday, September 21, 2008

God IS There!

This blog was started in response to an outcry from christians that were hurting. The hurt was caused either BY "church" or people IN the church. Unfortunately, often times people confuse the church for God. In fact, they think that because church leadership "represents" God, if they are hurt by church leadership, it's GOD who is hurting them. Actually, church leadership is made up of imperfect humans, myself being at the top of the imperfect list! No church leader is beyond mistakes and we all need to realize that. It IS important however that we take some of the responsibility in the hurt.

By shutting God out because of hurt from the "church", we are also refusing His help with the healing process and ultimately, that help is what we want, isn't it?

I've had people tell me, "I can't FEEL God! Is He really there?"

It doesn’t matter whether you think God is there or not; He is. His existence doesn’t depend upon your opinion, which is irrelevant. You might say, “I don’t feel God’s presence. It doesn’t feel like He’s there at all.”

How you feel about God is just that–your feeling-nothing else. Who He is does not depend on how you feel about Him, which should be quite liberating. He is there for you-no matter what.
Regardless about how you feel, you can count on this: He has not abandoned you, and your feelings don’t change that. You have not been abandoned-period.

If you depend on how you feel, your blood-sugar is more important than God’s promises in the Scriptures. Your life will be a never-ending roller coaster ride to nowhere. In my travels to conferences on counseling, the catch-phrase was always, "How does that make you feel?" While that may be important in discovering the roots of your hurt, "how you feel" doesn't matter when acknowledging God's presence.

God is there. Count on it. You can believe it because it’s true. That’s the reality you should never surrender. It doesn’t matter how you feel. God is there, and His love for you has not diminished in the slightest. Neither has His commitment.

This is the easiest thing in the world to do, but for most of us, it can also be the most difficult. It’s much easier to do something than simply believe, but that’s what you need to do. Learn to count on God’s presence as a reality and not as a feeling.

Trusting after hurting is a very difficult thing to do. Trusting God after hurting is the most important thing you can do. God IS there! Count on it!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

So true. A good reminder that God is with us even when we don't feel like it. And as a church leader I say thank you for the reminder that we are very imperfect humans and make mistakes. You are a blessing. Barbi