Saturday, December 6, 2008

Music Videos

Just a quick hint to those of you my age and above: After the video loads, click the pause button and let it buffer for a few seconds. This will allow the video to play continuously. Now ...

Take a few minutes to sit back and enjoy the following music videos. I've chosen a couple of my favorites. Most christians turn to the Psalms when they are hurting because they provide healing words for the wounded. Sometimes, when you're hurting, it's good to sit back and just listen to soothing music with meaningful lyrics. This first music video gives us hope and comfort in knowing that God knows exactly what we're feeling!

You may be aware of the controversy with the next video. Michael Guglielmucci apparently wrote and sang this song with Hillsong after being diagnosed with cancer. It proved to be a lie on his part. He confessed that he was addicted to pornography for years and after being misdiagnosed with cancer, he pulled off this hoax, gaining noteriety and money in the process. I chose to post this song anyway for two reasons: 1. Michael evidently wrote this song thinking he had cancer. What God brought out of this scandal is an incredible song of hope! 2. This blog is about the wounded, the suffering. Michael was bound by an addiction of lust. I absolutely believe that God is a Healer and Deliverer! He can not only heal cancer but He is able to deliver from the clutches of addiction! For those of you hurting physically or bound by sin, let this song minister to you and allow God to heal and deliver you!


David said...

Isn't it interesting how we look at a scandal and say, “wow, how could he have done something like that?” We tend to look at the extreme dysfunction and think, what a hypocrite, and yet when we look into the Garden of Eden we don’t see any grand theft auto, or sleeping with a secretary or drinking or drugs or any other extreme behavior. Just simple disobedience, that’s it, nothing special, nothing exciting that would even make today’s gossip headlines and yet it changed the course of mankind forever and required an already conceived plan B from our Loving Father to be placed into action.

We can take a minute to think about the things we wrap our heart around that cause imbalance in our lives, or don’t bring health, wellbeing, or harmony. Any behavior not fostering health and balance is destructive behavior. Any behavior we’ve wrapped our heart around is idolistic. Isn’t it good to know that we don’t have to feel condemned or judged when we go to our maker who knows our name and everything else about us and allow Him to ask for the behavior to be placed at the throne of Grace and know that He receives it as a gift? I find soothing confidence in our Lord who not only knows my name but gave me my name and inspired His children to write melodic love songs from Him that heal.

rob said...

Thank you, Ray, for showing the grace to include this beautiful song of healing and hope in your blog. All of us are broken. It's true that we often want to find someone that seems more broken that ourselves that we might avoid the truth of our own life. Many times it is out of brokenness that God has chosen to bless us. I am often reminded of H. G. Spafford. The man had strange ideas and many who followed him blindly were hurt. Yet out of his pain came one of the most powerful hymns the church will ever know.

Your entire blog is a place for all of us who have been hurt. Thank you again. It is through God's grace that I can sincerely say, "It is well with my soul!"