Friday, December 19, 2008
Resilience in the Face of Life's Hurricanes
Janet shares with us her perspective on facing "hurricanes that shake the foundations of our world."
Gems of Wisdom from the Hurricanes of Life
by Janet Perez Eckles
Life's events can take us through rough waters, sudden storms, or periods of calm seas. I've experienced them all. And when rating the intensity of storms, my blindness wasn't the worst. But really, do emotional storms have ratings? They all hurt, they all jolt us, and they all cause us to rethink our lives. In my case, these storms propelled me to a higher place. Actually, it's a good place--where the view is clear enough to see God, the Captain in control.
When hurricanes shook the foundation of my world, I threw my arms around the pillar of God's Word. And while fierce winds blasted my face and thunder roared above, nothing could pry me away from holding on to His promises. Then when dark clouds parted and winds died down, I dusted off emotional debris. To my delight, gems of wisdom shone through--gems that had fallen in the midst of the pouring rain. Here are some I collected in the pocket of my heart:
Trust in feelings and emotions, and your path will not be sound; trust in God and God alone, and you'll walk on solid ground.
We know defeat when our feet refuse to step out of the puddle of discouragement.
Pain is like a bucket of water. The longer we hold onto it, the heavier it gets.
More effective than sleeping pills is slipping gratitude into our thoughts.
Forgiveness opens the door to freedom.
Turmoil can boil only when fueled by worry.
Focus not on the real estate you hold but on the One who holds the real state of your destiny.
The green of envy highlights our worst features.
Life tastes better when seasoned with kind words.
Constant work may bring results; but work blended with commitment to God's Word results in sweet peace.
Patience is the muscle that strengthens the soul.
We know compassion only when love is our passion.
Anger visits places where fear dwells.
We miss the beauty ahead when gazing into the rearview mirror of life.
Broken plans are often God's divine detours.
Resentment clogs the pipeline of peace.
A positive attitude is the passport to places where others don't get to travel.
No matter what conditions, circumstances, or cares blow your way; no matter how vehemently you may deny it, God, the Captain of your destiny, has each moment planned, each day designed, and each moment orchestrated by His skillful hand.
Prayer: Gracious Lord, help me trust in You at all times, even during life's storms. And when I'm discouraged, remind me of the many blessings You have already given me. Amen.
© 2008 by Janet Perez Eckles, “Faith and Love with Latin Flair.” Reprinted with permission.
Below is a quick review of the above author's book.
Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow
By Janet Perez Eckles
Without being "preachy," Jan Eckles shares how faith and focus can overcome tremendous sorrow and adversity. She has obviously learned to turn handicap to advantage and has a bright way of expressing herself through quiet humor. She shared her journey from the culturally shocked naiveté of a young immigrant girl, through the torment of total blindness, to devastating loss, to ultimate triumph. It isn't a long read, but one that is worth revisiting whenever a heart-lift is in order.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christianity Like It Was Meant To Be

One spring morning these country squirrels were awakened by the screaming of chain saws and the rumblings of a bulldozer. It seems a visionary developer had devised a plan that would bring "improvements" to the area. Architects had designed a huge mall that would surround the great oak, incorporating it into a beautiful courtyard which would be covered with enormous skylights.
The building process was unsettling at first, but soon they became accustomed to commotion and, eventually, adjusted to the many changes. Now the climate was milder, the food was different, and they had much less interaction with nature. Their beloved acorns were regularly swept up and disposed of, but now there was caramel corn, salted peanuts and milkshakes a-plenty. And, the trash bins were gold mines!
Years passed. Now, younger squirrels rolled their eyes as grandma and grandpa squirrel chattered about the good old days. They talked about acorns, fresh water, and warm sunlight, but everyone knew they had over-active memories. Two generations lived and died in this new man-made environment. Due to the mild climate and unhealthy food many of squirrels were sickly. Because of their confinement, they were always on each other's nerves. They often wondered about the meaning of life; what was the purpose of waking up, eating garbage, and watching frenzied shoppers rush by?
Then, one glorious day a daring squirrel escaped. Curious about the bright skylights, he jumped from an upper branch of the tree to a pole. Climbing the pole he came to a ceiling beam which took him to an air vent. Slipping through the vent he plopped out onto the roof. What sensations accosted him! Dazzling sunlight, warm, fresh air and new vistas overwhelmed his senses. Scurrying down a rain gutter to a parking lot, he dodged traffic and darted into the undeveloped woods nearby. For hours he roamed, discovering nuts, acorns, fresh water and healthy squirrels.
Thrilled with his new life, he retraced his steps and breathlessly told his peers of the wonderful “real” world outside. They laughed, declaring, “That kind of world doesn’t exist any more!” Disappointed that they would not believe, the squirrel quietly slipped back out into life - as it was meant to be.
Once upon a time not long after the Day of Pentecost, some Christians were having church like it was meant to be. But then developers came along. “Progress” was made. Creeds were written, rituals were developed, and soon the climate seemed to be a little more controlled. Eventually services were planned to the smallest detail, politically incorrect doctrines were carefully altered, action was taken to make the church more culturally sensitive, and institutions and procedures were established to insure that all interaction with the real spiritual world was carefully buffered by "the church". No longer were people challenged to pick up their crosses. Money or good works became the means to forgiveness rather than godly sorrow and repentance. Baptism was redefined and being Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Spirit-controlled was considered a thing of the past. Now, coming to church was simply entertainment or a social event. Soon, nothing more than obscure references to real Christianity survived. Christians became emaciated and sickly.
But occasionally some brave soul will escape back to the original. (see the book of Acts) Upon doing so, their spiritual senses are overwhelmed with God’s love and power. Their lives are drastically changed. Of course, others often laugh or persecute them. Nevertheless, Christianity - like it was meant to be - can still be a reality. Maybe you should slip out and take a peek.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Do You Have Courage to Drive at Night?

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
Imagine the last time you drove down a road in the darkest of dark nights. What allowed you to get behind the wheel when you couldn't see in front of you? Ah, headlights, right? But headlights only shine up to about 350 feet in front of you. If you are on a 500 mile road trip, you wouldn't go very far if you only advanced 350 feet on your trip, would you? Absolutely not.
What really happens when you drive at night? Don't you take action in faith, knowing that when you move forward, the lights will continue to lead the way? The lights will always be shining ahead so you can move quickly in the direction of your destination? Right?
The same is true in your very own life. Sometimes we can't see the whole entire picture/road/dream, but when we take courageous action in the direction of our destination, the light will shine in the direction we need to take. I guarantee, you will be much further ahead by taking one step at a time vs. standing still in a fear-based paralysis.
Take a step in faith this week!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Music Videos
Take a few minutes to sit back and enjoy the following music videos. I've chosen a couple of my favorites. Most christians turn to the Psalms when they are hurting because they provide healing words for the wounded. Sometimes, when you're hurting, it's good to sit back and just listen to soothing music with meaningful lyrics. This first music video gives us hope and comfort in knowing that God knows exactly what we're feeling!
You may be aware of the controversy with the next video. Michael Guglielmucci apparently wrote and sang this song with Hillsong after being diagnosed with cancer. It proved to be a lie on his part. He confessed that he was addicted to pornography for years and after being misdiagnosed with cancer, he pulled off this hoax, gaining noteriety and money in the process. I chose to post this song anyway for two reasons: 1. Michael evidently wrote this song thinking he had cancer. What God brought out of this scandal is an incredible song of hope! 2. This blog is about the wounded, the suffering. Michael was bound by an addiction of lust. I absolutely believe that God is a Healer and Deliverer! He can not only heal cancer but He is able to deliver from the clutches of addiction! For those of you hurting physically or bound by sin, let this song minister to you and allow God to heal and deliver you!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
"My nephew is a medic with an elite Special Forces unit somewhere in Iraq right now. That is all we really know. He can't tell us much about his missions or even where he is stationed.
Justin, is an incredible kid. Very smart and quite athletic. It shocked most of his family when he announced, at the height of the conflict in Middle East, that he was enlisting. He had no political reasons. He just wanted to help people. He qualified as a marksmen during training and was quite skilled at various forms of hand-to-hand combat, but he never wavered from his initial passion: he became a medic because he wanted to help people.
He has already won several medals, but he can't tell us the specifics about those missions yet--they are still classified. He doesn't spend much time talking about that in the few email updates we do get from him. Instead, he talks about the people he helps. In his last email to me, this crazy kid actually apologized to me that he couldn't write more often because they were spending much more time "in the sand than back at the hooch."
Think about that for a moment.
For all the time we spend talking about "spiritual warfare" in church, how much time are we in the field? Even the most outward focused of us, spend a great deal of time "in the hooch." That is the idea behind servant warfare instead of the traditional spiritual warfare. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for prayer meetings and seminars on healing and even the battles of intercession and tearing down strongholds and such, but are we doing it out in the sand, or from the comfort of our bunks?
We are in a season of perhaps the worst economic turmoil that our country has ever faced. That should be a call of action to us. We need to be more like Army medics. We need to resist the temptation to duck and cover and run out into the fire and shrapnel and look for hurt people."
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Become a Follower!
You'll notice in the lower right of the blog, a section that shows how you can become a "follower" of this blog. Don't worry, I'm not trying to expose you or embarrass you. I simply would like to know if this blog has ANY readers and if it is helpful in any way. You can publicly follow or stay anonymous; your choice. Also, please post your comments if a particular blog post has either helped you or upset you. ;>)
Thanks for reading!
Friday, November 28, 2008
"Look for God's Handwriting!"
With the content of my last post, I thought it would be good to balance it with the other side of the story. Although God will "bless" us with the process of struggles, it's a great comfort to know that we have the confidence that He is always there with us.
It's so important when we raise awareness of the nature of God's "blessing", ie. difficulty to strengthen us, that we include traces of comfort to look for. God's blessing, purging, wrestling WILL come and we WILL come through it as pure gold but christians need an assurance in the midst of it. Especially when they've been so conditioned with the opposite teaching, that God is a God of comfort and ease.
We came across this story in the book, Steel in His Soul, The Dick Hillis Story and it really ministered to us so we thought we'd pass it along.
Missionaries Dick and Margaret Hillis found themselves caught in China during the Japanese invasion. The couple lived with their two children in the inland town of Shenkiu. The village was tense with fear, for every day brought terrifying reports of the Japanese advance.
At the worst possible time, Dick developed appendicitis, and he knew his life depended on making the long journey to the hospital. On January 15, 1941, with deep foreboding, Margaret watched him leave.Soon the Chinese colonel came with the news. The enemy was near and townspeople must evacuate. Margaret shivered, knowing that one-year-old Johnny and two-month-old Margaret Anne would never survive as refugees. So she stayed put.
Early next morning she tore the page from the wall calendar and read the new day's Scripture. It was Psalm 56:3 -- "What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."
The town emptied during the day, and the next morning Margaret arose, feeling abandoned. The new verse on the calendar was Psalm 9:10 -- "Thou, Lord, has not forsaken them that seek thee."
The next morning she arose to distant sounds of gunfire and worried about food and her children. The calendar verse was Genesis 50:21 -- "I will nourish you and your little ones." An old woman suddenly popped in with a pail of steaming goat's milk, and another straggler arrived with a basket of eggs.
Through the day, sounds of warfare grew louder, and during the night Margaret prayed for deliverance. The next morning she tore the page from the calendar to read Psalm 56:9 -- "When I cry unto Thee, then shall my enemies turn back."
The battle was looming closer, and Margaret didn't go to bed that night. Invasion seemed imminent. But the next morning, all was quiet. Suddenly, villagers began returning to their homes, and the colonel knocked on her door. For some reason, he told her, the Japanese had withdrawn their troops. No one could understand it, but the danger had passed. They were safe.
Margaret glanced at her wall calendar and felt she had been reading the handwriting of God.
God's handwriting is all around us but so often in the midst of the wars we face, we neglect to take notice. Let's make an effort to see His merciful hand at work in our lives today. He cares for us more than we can imagine!
(Thanks to George Whitten from Worthy Ministries for the content of this post. George and his family live and minister from the Negev Desert in Israel)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"God, You call that a Blessing?!"
Nothing wrong with the phrase. What's wrong is our definition of a "blessing". Often we define a blessing as favor from God in the form of benefits such as added finances, health, feelings, or anything that provides greater comfort and ease to our lives. I'm not denying that God does bestow these "blessings" upon us. However, let's look at a portion of Scripture that gives us great insight into God's blessing.
In Genesis 32, we find the story of Jacob. Jacob is facing a major decision, in fact, confrontation the next day and he seeks God's help in prayer. He even asks for the Lord to bless him. The answer to his desperate prayer comes in an unusual form. God wrestles with Jacob! Our toughest battles are often not with the devil, but with God. It's often easier to say no to the devil than to say yes to God!
Jacob perceived a problem with his brother Esau. He perceived correctly; a relationship problem. But he got the relationship wrong. It was not a relationship problem between Jacob and Esau. It was a relationship problem between Jacob and God. Jacob prays to God for help and it seems to get worse!
God is on a mission to change us because He loves us too much to leave us as we are. The church in North America has a "comfort" problem. Let's make the church "seeker-friendly". Make sure churches are "comfortable", "enjoyable", a "place of refuge". If we are to bring the Gospel message to the world, it won't be with a "comfort theology". If that be the case, at the first sign of adversity, the new christian will be devastated.
Wait a minute, Ray, are you saying that God does not bless His children? Oh yes, God blesses! And God IS a God of prosperity (more than enough). However, what is your definition of "blessing"? Are you prepared for the "manifestation" of that blessing? How it's packaged?
"My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have been partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons." Hebrews 12:5-8
Genesis 32:24 says that "Jacob was left alone and there wrestled with a man". I used to think that the most powerful moments in my walk with God were those exciting church services surrounded by people, music, singing, with a prolific orator delivering eloquently and exergenically the wonderful Word of God with dazzling clarity. Those times ARE good! But I've found that when God really gets ready to work me over, He takes me out of the crowd by myself so He can deal with me without me pretending. Nobody left to impress. Nobody around to appear "religious" for. Alone. It doesn't matter who I am in a crowd. What matters is who I am when I am alone. God won't deal with my name, reputation, degrees, or money. He wants to deal with that part of me that no one sees so He'll put me in isolation to give me revelation. I thank God for that; for giving me privacy while He chastens me.
In verse 25 of Genesis 32, the day is breaking so the Theophonic manifestation of God has to change the nature of the struggle. He touches Jacob at the hip-joint. Note that this was not just a bad hair day or a stubbed toe. It was something that knocked the props out from under him. Note also that it was God that did it. You may have been through so much that you've finally reached the point where you are now saying, "God, I can't fight You any longer; I need You!" Now, He's no longer wrestling with you but He's holding you up. You've been brought to a place a total surrender and trust. And you'll never arrive at that place until you limp.
I don't rely on or place my trust in men who don't limp. The person that is too confident in their own abilities, giftings, or strengths. The greatest people of God are those who somewhere in their life have had a limp.
Do you want to draw near to God and to really know Him? Be prepared for the manner in which He shows up! Genesis 32:29b says that "He blessed him there". "God, you call that a blessing?!" Yes! When you really have an encounter with God, you will walk differently and look differently. Think about it. In verse 31, Jacob crossed over the brook to meet with his family and he was a mess! He's limping down the road, dirty, beat up and perhaps Rachel says to him, "What happened to you? Did you get robbed or beat up by thugs?" Jacob says, "No! I've been visiting with God! And He blessed me!"
Do you still want to be blessed by God? It may not be more money, a new car, increased comfort or rest. It may come in the form of a struggle, wrestling, or a problem but when you come through it, and you will, you will come through it better than when you went in!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
You're Not Alone
Saturday, October 11, 2008
God Meets People in Their Brokenness - Not in Their Denial
“There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m just fine.”
“I don’t need any help. I can handle things by myself.”
“I opened up once, and look where it got me. I’ll never do that again.”
People who need help—people who need recovery—are often the most difficult people in the world to reach. They deny there is a problem and refuse to seek the help they desperately need to recover. To do so would be an admission of weakness, and that’s something many are unwilling to do, especially men.
For those of us who know the value of help that comes from those who have “traveled our path,” it’s hard to understand why so many choose to continue in self-defeating behavior rather than make the necessary changes to live a life of value—a life rich with meaning and purpose.
When it comes to religious abuse, the task of overcoming denial is even more difficult because, unlike abusing alcohol, food, sex, or drugs, there’s no outward manifestation of dysfunction. It’s all on the inside, where its destructiveness eats away at the soul of the abusee.
Frequently, someone will ask how they can convince a friend or loved one to seek help. The answer is simple: Most of the time, you can’t.
The person in need has to come to that realization without your interference. Until that happens, there’s nothing you can do other than pray they will bottom-out and become willing to make seek help. There are things, however, that you can do that will hinder the recovery of another.
You can sympathize with their difficulties, which will do nothing but feed into their self-pity.
You can agree with them in their delusion that they are coping with life the best that they can.
You can enable them to continue with self-destructive attitudes and behavior by not allowing them to suffer the proper consequences of their actions.
You can make things easier for them—softening life’s blows by intervening, which seems like “the Christian” thing to do.
Each of these actions is what a good friend would do, right?
It’s how you prolong their suffering and their avoidance of reality. By being a “good friend,” you may inadvertently be standing in the way of the Lord who is intent on gaining the attention of the person who is suffering. Let them crash. When the pain becomes too intense, they will reach out for help—not before. It’s much better to pray for a loved one to reach the end of their rope than to ask God to minimize their suffering when they are headed in the wrong direction.
God meets people in their brokenness—not in their denial.
(many thanks to John "Jack" Watts for the content of this post)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
God IS There!
By shutting God out because of hurt from the "church", we are also refusing His help with the healing process and ultimately, that help is what we want, isn't it?
I've had people tell me, "I can't FEEL God! Is He really there?"
It doesn’t matter whether you think God is there or not; He is. His existence doesn’t depend upon your opinion, which is irrelevant. You might say, “I don’t feel God’s presence. It doesn’t feel like He’s there at all.”
How you feel about God is just that–your feeling-nothing else. Who He is does not depend on how you feel about Him, which should be quite liberating. He is there for you-no matter what.
Regardless about how you feel, you can count on this: He has not abandoned you, and your feelings don’t change that. You have not been abandoned-period.
If you depend on how you feel, your blood-sugar is more important than God’s promises in the Scriptures. Your life will be a never-ending roller coaster ride to nowhere. In my travels to conferences on counseling, the catch-phrase was always, "How does that make you feel?" While that may be important in discovering the roots of your hurt, "how you feel" doesn't matter when acknowledging God's presence.
God is there. Count on it. You can believe it because it’s true. That’s the reality you should never surrender. It doesn’t matter how you feel. God is there, and His love for you has not diminished in the slightest. Neither has His commitment.
This is the easiest thing in the world to do, but for most of us, it can also be the most difficult. It’s much easier to do something than simply believe, but that’s what you need to do. Learn to count on God’s presence as a reality and not as a feeling.
Trusting after hurting is a very difficult thing to do. Trusting God after hurting is the most important thing you can do. God IS there! Count on it!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Knowing Our Identity
What was the source of their strength? Sharansky makes the case that ultimately without one knowing and valuing his identity there is little likelihood that he will be able to maintain his position, or even survive. He shows the relationship between identity and freedom and argues that Americans and others are slowly being deprogammed and taught to discredit their own country and its ideals. Sharansky, a Jew, gives historical reference to the struggle of the Jewish people and points out present dangers that are overwhelming Europe. The book references the Pentecostals of the Soviet Union as a people who understood who they were and discusses how this understanding gave them courage to place their lives on the line.
He states, "The enemy's will is strong because his identity is strong. And we must match his strength of purpose with strong identities of our own. The universal quality of identity is that it gives life and meaning beyond life itself." Oxford dictionary defines identity this way: "The fact of who or what a person or thing is."
Reflecting on the past several years one can see identity problems developing throughout Christianity. Many have developed an admiration for success and shifted from declaration of the Truth to imitation of personalities and church-growth formulas. politically correct values have distorted the church's voice with regard to morals and the absoluteness of salvation through Christ alone.
Inconsistency with regard to values, morals, and even Bible validity, has weakened our young people's sense of identity. If adults do not know clearly what they value, who they are, and the importance of the Word of God, how can they hope to convince their children that they are serious about their faith?
Everyday the world hammers the dogma of devils into the brains of our youth. The modern tools of media - ever so cool, pervasive, portable, intrusive, intoxicating, calculated, and controlled largely by anti-Christian corporations that reap billions in profits - are the most effective weapons the devil has ever possessed. There is a spirit in this world, and the spirit is the spirit od the Antichrist.
Victory over this spirit will not come by attempting to duplicate the devil's weapons. The media, the machine and the technology are not the attraction. The content, evil imagery, lust, and sensationalized lifestyles are the attraction. Getting our message delivered in some modish media format will not win the battle. The power of God demonstrated through the gifts of the Spirit and preaching of the Word will overcome the enemy, and thankfully the drawing power of Christ operates independent of our talents. Jesus said, "I will draw all men to me."
The battle is won by knowing who we are in Christ, knowing Him, and living in His presence. It's not the entertainment that will keep young people. It is the power of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Spirit will identify for them His purpose in their lives, not some personality-based survey. Only God can give man the resolve to, if necessary, die in Siberia like the Russian Pentecostals. It is the anointed, spirit-intoxicated services that will transform young people into soldiers of the cross prepared to face the threat of militant Islamism. We hardly need another service fashioned like and imitating some asinine television show. Be Pentecostal. Have church. Preach the Word. Cry out. Challenge the Christians. Disciple the youth. This is how identity is shaped, hearts are transformed, gifts are imparted, callings are transmitted, and destinies are understood. This is how the fiery torch is passed to the next generation of whom the world will say, "These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes" (Revelation 14:4)
(many thanks to my Bible College president, Paul Mooney, for the content of this blog)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Can our actions be weighed?
He not only weighs the facts, but the reasons!
He weighs family disputes and provocations:
He weighed Peninnah's attitude toward Hannah and Hannah's response to Peninnah. He saw Peninnah's daily provoking in order to irritate Hannah. He weighed the misery of Hannah's soul that drove her to the altar and calculated the bitterness of her weeping. This was comforting to Hannah. Out of it came a song of triumph, but it must have been a dread to Peninnah (I Samuel 2:1-10).
He weighs the discussions of husbands and wives:
He weighed the decision of Ananias and Sapphira and they died because they lied to the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:9).
God weighed Belshazzar and found him wanting (Daniel 5:26-30).
Just as a lamp shows what is in the darkness, so God reveals what is in a person's spirit and searches out their innermost being (Proverbs 20:27).
Jesus told the Scribes and Pharisees that they had done well in paying tithes, but they failed in the weightier matters such as judgement, mercy and faith (Matthew 23:23).
Jesus said if you give a cup of cold water, it will not be forgotten (Matthew 10:42). So He takes into account the smallest good deed that is done by His people.
God, it seems, not only is capable of weighing our actions, but He, in fact, does!
(many thanks to Kelsey Griffin, my professor at Bible College, for the content of this blog)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
It's what you DO that defines you.
When I first watched this video clip, I vehemently disagreed with it. It IS what you are underneath that defines you, right? After all, we've heard that for years ... it's not your outward appearance, it's what's in the heart. Then I began to line it up to God's Word.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, "not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but those that DO the will of my Father."
In verse 24, He says "whoever hears my sayings and DOES them" ... and He proceeds to share the parable of the house built upon the rock vs. the house built on the sand. Hmmm, it appears what we DO really DOES define us!
Now in Matthew 25, Jesus spends the entire chapter talking about the importance of DOING what He's called us to do. If we've been given a "talent" and do nothing with it, judgement comes on us. In verses 31-46, He defines what those things we are to DO are: "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, give drink to the thirsty, go to the captives". No mention of doctrine, denominations, church names, etc.. And look at the severity of the punishment for those who do not DO these things: everlasting punishment!
James wrote "be DOERS of the Word and not hearers only". He said "he who knows to DO good and does not do it, it is sin to him". In verse 27, he says "pure, undefiled religion before God is this: to visit orphans and widows and to live undefiled from the world".
So, after further review, I now submit that "it's not what you are underneath, but what you DO that defines you". Let's get busy DOING for the Kingdom's sake!